Advanced Features
- What information provides the Scenes Preview?
- When do I use "Delete local data" on the iPad?
- How can I organize Cameras? How to activate and deactivate Cameras?
- How to add a camera?
- How to delete takes and clips? (🚨Important Tip!)
- How can I switch to a new camera card / real?
- Copy the camera setup from day to day! (🚨Important Tip!)
- How can I select an Episode?
- Where can I comment on wild tracks or on scheduled, but not shot settings (scene comments/sound notes)?
- How can I work with slate settings? (with Video Tutorial)
- How to separate take comments for different cameras? What is the "Link"-Icon ("🔗") for?
- How can I document the take length?
- What is the Clip Folder for?
- How can I add continuity-photos?
- How can I use the script-lining?
- Optional: Set timecode for TC-accurate comments
- How can I connect to to replay dailies?