🚨Important Tip: It is recommended to first enter all information that applies to all cameras in the current take comment, then unclip the takes and add the individual comments by selecting the corresponding camera
Working with multiple cameras - the "Link"-Icon ("🔗") (1)
- click "Enter Take Comment…" and add your information or the director's comments (1)
- camera A has the same take comment as camera B (2)
- by default, all take comments for each camera are combined, indicated by the closed "🔗" icon and the different colored bar on the left (3)
Working with multiple cameras - the "Link"-Icon ("🔗") (2)
- the "Link"-Icon ("🔗") separates or merges take comments for cameras
- Example: you can tag a take for Cam B as NP (1) and set the preset comment to breakup (2) and tag the same take for Cam A as P (3) and add another take comment (4)
- the circle and notes will be displayed differently in the Editor's Log (reports and meta-data in post-production) (5)