📔Note: This option is only available as part of the LockitNetwork Production Service 👑.
You have the option to transfer the metadata created in your project to an associated Webgate.io project. The relevant Webgate.io data fields include 'Reel', 'Scene', 'Slate', 'Take', 'Shoot date', 'Shoot day', 'Circle Take', 'Tray' (SD card), 'Episode' and 'Headline' (synopsis).
To do this, connect your account on the LockitNetwork Tools website in the 'Connected Services' tab with our partner Webgate.io.
Click on 'Connected Services' (1) and then on 'Connect' (2). Then connect to Webgate.io by opening the account you created there (3).
Once you are connected to Webgate.io, click on 'Select project' (4). Select the appropriate project from the list of your Webgate.io projects (5) and click 'Connect' (6).
📔Note: How can I connect to webgate.io to replay dailies?
In the next step, you will see the shooting days that are stored in LockitNetwork and Webgate.io for the project. Select the corresponding shooting day in the Webgate.io list (7) and click on 'Link' (8). A preview list of the matched data then opens. Click 'Merge' to start the data transfer (9). Activate 'overwrite' if you want to overwrite the data on Webgate.io.
Wait until all clip data is connected (10) and close the window. The corresponding shooting days are displayed as connected (11).